Do you remember your first school trip? Mine was to an adventure camp somewhere near South Wales, and I was around 9 years old. It was a whole weekend away, and I have various memories including being dangled from a rope in an attempt to abseil down a plywood wall, and an ‘end-of-camp’ disco where us girls were all arranged in a circle waving our arms around reciting the words to Will Smith’s ‘Boom Shake the Room’ (which I still know to this day).

Fond memories (I think?!) indeed, and school trips were essential character-building experiences of course- and you would think would be ingrained into the school curriculum (and I went to a state school). But it turns out, not all children are fortunate enough to be presented with these opportunities at school, and that’s the ethos behind the #PAYWHATYOUCAN campaign. The initiative from Lets Travel Services in conjunction with community charity Apples & Pears, is encouraging Londoners to make a donation of £5 or more to fund an ‘education-in-action’ experience to Stratford Upon Avon. Up to 700 of London’s least affluent school children will benefit.

As a thank you, donors will be offered the choice of a day trip to Brighton or Oxford, Blenheim & Bicester Village courtesy of Lets Travel Services on Saturday 19th November.

The trip to Oxford & Blenheim will include a guided walking tour covering the cities famous landmarks before exploring Blenheim Palace Park & Gardens, the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. incorporated with some Christmas shopping the Great Court, and concluding at the region’s ultimate shopping destination Bicester Village with an exclusive 10% VIP discount.

Those who choose Brighton will get to check out breathtaking views from the world’s tallest moving observation tower the British Airways i360, followed by a stroll along Brighton Pier and the stunning Royal Pavilion, then rounding off the day with a mooch around all the independent shopping boutiques and cafes tucked away down Brighton’s famous ‘Lanes’.

So by making a small donation you can help a child, and also enjoy your own cultural experience. You can find further information on the project on the Lets Travel Services web site.


WHEN: Day trip spaces on Saturday 19th  November 

WHERE: Brighton or Oxford & Blenheim




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